Saint Michael Book´s
It has been said that one of Satan’s greatest victories is to convince people that he doesn’t exist, whilst G.K.Chesterton observed that when people cease to believe in God they come to believe in anything absurd or ridiculous. Taken together, these two statements describe much of the world of belief and disbelief today. Churches in many places are empty and shops selling books devoted to astrology and necromancy are full. There are more slaves in the world today than there were when slavery was legal. There are more people obliged to flee their homes in order to escape war, poverty, or famine than at any time since the Second World War. There are constant conflicts and terrorism of one kind or another has come to occupy center-stage in our news bulletins. In the face of all this, we would do well to examine our own religious beliefs and practices, and ask ourselves why, amongst other things, the devotion to Saint Michael the Archangel as the Captain of the Heavenly Host and our Protector from Evil has declined, and also why we seem to be so unaware of Evil itself. This small book on Saint Michael the Archangel seeks to gather together the information available about him and place it in the hands of those who wish to renew and strengthen their faith. Furthermore, the author hopes that devotion to the Captain of the Heavenly Host may once again feature in the religious practice of the faithful.
This book has been written and published at the express wish of the members of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Michael the Archangel.